Embed Cyber Resilience in Your System’s DNA

with continuous cyber threat monitoring by SOFIA
Continuous Cyber Threat Monitor

Strategic Optics for Intelligent Analytics

SOFIA is an advanced model-based cyber analytics tool developed initially for the Navy’s PEO Integrated Warfare Systems. By continuously mapping the latest global cyber threat intelligence onto your system and subsystem models, SOFIA illuminates all potential attack surfaces, vectors, and ramifications on core missions.

With SOFIA you can:

  • Simulate real-world attack/pivot paths across integrated systems
  • Quantify mission risks from cyber threats through model analytics
  • Engineer fault tolerance, automated failovers and rapid recovery
  • Optimize cyber protection focusing on your most vital operations
  • Maintain cyber resilience through the full system lifecycle

SOFIA combines threat data with system models providing full operational context around cyber risk. Design mission-based cyber resilience in from the start.

Powered By:

  • Automated data pipeline integrating over a dozen OSINT databases
  • High-fidelity modeling spanning IT, OT, networked systems & human roles
  • Dynamic risk scoring based on hardware, software & behavioral attributes
  • Advanced simulation analytics for mission-based cyber impact assessments
  • Machine learning for intelligent attack path illumination & recommendations

Smarter Intelligence

MBSE technology identifies weaknesses and measures impact before incidents occur.
IDENTIFY how your organization manages information
MEASURE resiliency and effectiveness of security contols
PRIORITIZE system and technology trade-offs
IDENTIFY where critical assets intersect with business processes
MEASURE system performance against operational requirements
PRIORITIZE where modernization is most needed
Powerful Counterpart

Protect Your Industrial Control Systems with IRIS: Advanced Analytics for ICS Resiliency

Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) play a critical role in industries such as manufacturing, energy, and transportation. However, the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of these systems have made them vulnerable to evolving cyber threats. The US Navy, recognizing the need for a more efficient and effective way to evaluate, manage, and implement cyber measures for ICSs, sought innovative solutions to address these challenges.

G2 Ops Inc developed the ICS Resiliency Information System (IRIS) to address the unique cybersecurity requirements of ICSs. IRIS is an advanced software prototype that leverages Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and advanced analytics to improve the resilience of ICSs and provide a comprehensive view of the cyber risk posture.

The creation and use of a Digital Twin typically includes the following processes.

  1. Baseline definition and capture.
  2. Baseline management.
  3. Impact assessments.
  4. Change impact models.