Automate compliance and protect systems from cyber threats

with our MBSE-enabled tools

Model threats and risk remediation plans while

maintaining visibility into the current state of your systems.

G2 Ops Digital Engineering Tools

G2 Ops, Inc. offers advanced digital engineering tools integrating system modeling with cybersecurity compliance and resilience. Our tools streamline processes, reduce project timelines, and offer continuous visibility into emerging cybersecurity threats.


Jumpstart and accelerate your organization's adoption of MBSE while ensuring RMF compliance

Automate your Risk Management Framework (RMF) process by adopting Monarch, a plugin for Cameo Systems Modeler Users.

With an MBSE model as the authoritative source of truth, all RMF artifacts are generated from the same digital source.

With Monarch, you can:

  • Accelerate system modeling processes in MagicDraw/Cameo
  • Integrate MBSE with NIST RMF for enhanced risk assessment
  • Auto-generate precise RMF artifacts, minimizing inefficiencies
  • Enhance operational resilience while optimizing RMF value for compliance assurance

Contact for more information and to request a demo.

Powerful Counterpart

Digital Twins enhance risk awareness

While standard frameworks, like NIST or FAIR, are frequently used to prioritize cyber threat remediation, this one-size-fits-all approach may leave critical assets exposed. Our URM enhances the framework by pairing it with a digital twin model, enriching data sets with native business intelligence to customize global threat intelligence based on business criticality. We then apply advanced analytics, calculating the likelihood of cyber events, quantifying potential impact to business operations and prioritizing risk mitigation so that you can justify remediation and modernization spending.

At G2 Ops, our impact methodology focuses on three core elements to build comprehensive risk awareness throughout your organization.

• Identify Business Value
• Measure Impact to Operations
• Prioritize Risk Mitigation Strategies